A Look Into The Mirror

I look into the mirror and I wonder
Who are you now?
I remember who you used to be
Are you still the same?

I look into the mirror and I wonder
Do you still want the same things?
I remember what you used to want
Are you still the same?

I look into the mirror and I wonder
Are you still motivated and ambitious?
I remember that you used to be
Are you still the same?

I look into the mirror and I wonder
Is this the same person that walked a half marathon?
I remember when you did that
Are you still the same?

I look into the mirror and I know
The pain has changed you but…
You are still the same
You are still caring and loving
You are still passionate and giving
You are still ambitious and productive

I look into the mirror and I see you
Not Fibromyalgia!


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