A Flare is one of the worst fibromyalgia experiences.


The Flare-up (see here for my article on it) is one of the worst fibromyalgia experiences. I fell into it sometime last night and woke up with the most unpleasant pains. In the hips, shoulders, and back, not to mention all over aches. I was very fatigued yesterday and perhaps that was some prediction of impending doom.

Here is the thing we can pace and moderate but we cannot avoid all flares. Sometimes they just occur. Sometimes they are just radically unpredictable. And we just do not know where the hell they came from. This one I have no clue what triggered it. It certainly was not something obvious like overdoing it. Things like poor sleep are a constant factor but that could certainly have done it. It wasn’t the weather.

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And, well, I can blame stress. Because I can always blame stress. But specifically, I do not know. There is nothing that stands out. I know, usually, when it is stress-induced because it is a significant stressor. But I can say I don’t always know when it is a lack of sleep because that does fluctuate from bad to horrific.

Nevertheless, we simply can’t avoid it. And it is Painful. I was walking around like Frankenstein’s monster. And slow, so slow.

Medications can only do so much I suppose. Mine doesn’t do that much. They take the edge off regular FM pain which is true, but not the hyped-up Flare pain. I can’t rest when I have to work. Can’t avoid stress… when I have to work. So… I am waiting it out. And moving slowly. Tomorrow I am off and I will have a day of rest. And it will be a mellow day of relaxation and a lot of menthol creams I suspect.

It never ceases to amaze me how FM can flare up so spontaneously from like a 4-5 level pain to a 7-8 level pain. Fast, little cause, just BAM. Overdoing it is the most prevalent cause we experience. We just cross that limit a little too far… just a smidgen. And maybe we don’t even realize it right away. Or maybe we do a little bit. With muscle fatigue and aches. Then suddenly the pain just smacks into us out of nowhere. It is sometimes hard to Know where that Line is. So it is pretty easy to cross. Especially on good pain days. Not to mention we are literally told all the freaking time to not let our pain stop us from doing things. So of course, if we do things we are going to accidentally cross those invisible lines. Hell, I cross them just doing the exercise I am supposed to do. Because exercise is painful all the time, it is hard to know when I have pushed that pain limit too far. And then when I do it is extremely painful and I can’t exercise for days after.

So to recap… pace, moderate… but don’t stop doing activities… but don’t exceed your limits and overdo it or you will cause a flare-up. So simple, right?


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