5 Types of Crohn’s Disease Every Suffer Must Be Aware of Them

By: Researcher Taymur

Understanding Crohn’s Disease

However disease of Crohn causes chronic inflammation and intestine and intestinal loss. Because it may affect the bladder, stomach, and intestines in different areas. So, Crohn’s disease consists of five different types, because each affecting different parts of the digestive tract.

However crohn’s disease has no known cause. Experts believe it can be caused by an immune system in the intestines or bowel liner that responds to food or bacteria. This is said to trigger Crohn’s disease uncontrolled inflammation.

List of 5 Types of Crohn’s Disease

  • 1st is ileocolitis
  • 2nd is ileitis
  • 3rd is gastroduodenal Crohn’s disease
  • 4th is jejunoileitis
  • 5th is Crohn’s colitis

Sometimes more than one Crohn’s disease is experienced at once. This means that several parts of the digestive tract can be affected simultaneously.

Understanding 5 Types of Crohn’s Disease

1st is Ileocolitis

However Ileocolitis is common in many people with Crohn’s disease. Because the condition of Crohn causes iluem (lower part of the small intestine) and colon inflammation and irritation. So, Ileocolitis sufferers can have symptoms like:

  • diarrhea
  • significant weight loss
  • pain or cramping abdomen
  • Ileitis

2nd is Ileitis

Therefore Ileitis causes inflammation and irritation of the ileum like Ileocolitis. Ileitis symptoms are the same as ileocolitis symptoms. Because in the lower-right section of the abdomen, people with ileitis may also grow pythulas.

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3rd is Gastroduodenal Crohn’s Disease

The stomach and the duodenum of the first part of the small intestine are affected by Gastroduodenal Crohn’s disease. Those who suffer from this kind of Crohn’s disease often have vomiting, lack of appetite and weight loss.

Individuals with Crohn’s disease gastroduodenal can also vomit when their bowels are blocked. This is attributed to inflammation of the intestines.

 4th is Jejunoileitis

However Jejunoileitis occurs in the jejunum or in the second part of the gut, where inflammation occurs. Because symptoms of individuals with jejunoileitis may include:

  • cramps after meals
  • fistulas
  • diarrhea
  • abdominal discomfort

5th is Crohn’s Colitis

Therefore crohn’s disease of this kind affects the colon, the main part of the large intestine. So it may cause anus to develop fistulas, sores and abscesses. However it may also cause. So these symptoms includes.

  • skin lesions
  • joint pain
  • diarrhea
  • rectal bleeding

Understanding Needs of Support

However the pain and discomfort of Crohn’s disease cannot always be easy to live with. So even if you are in this state, you can lead a full, healthy and happy life. Because in addition to listening to your doctor and staying safe, it can help you understand better because how to cope with your illness by working for a Crohn’s disease support and awareness network.

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