Category: Fibromyalgia Treatments

Great News!! CBD Medical Oil Is Having Success As Treating Fibromyalgia 0

Great News!! CBD Medical Oil Is Having Success As Treating Fibromyalgia

In a recent post regarding the use of medical marijuana for Treating Fibromyalgia symptoms, comments were made regarding the helpfulness of a similar product called CBD oil (cannabidiol). What exactly is CBD oil for Treating...


Why Don’t Anti-Inflammatories Work For Fibromyalgia Pain?

Fibromyalgia Pain: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be helpful, especially when used for inflammation that comes from traumatic injuries (sprains, strains, accidents, etc.). Help For Fibromyalgia Sufferer They can also be effective in relieving pain and...

Maca Powder: The Perfect Food For Hormone Imbalance, Anxiety, Energy, Sleep, And Libido 0

Maca Powder: The Perfect Food For Hormone Imbalance, Anxiety, Energy, Sleep, And Libido

Maca comes from the brassica (mustard) family, similar to turnip, cabbage, and watercress. This superfood was first used by the Incans who grew this hearty plant high in the Andes Mountains of Peru. The Incans...

Boil Bananas Before Bed, Drink The Liquid And You Will Not Believe What Happens To Your Sleep 0

Boil Bananas Before Bed, Drink The Liquid And You Will Not Believe What Happens To Your Sleep

Unfortunately, numerous people nowadays face sleeping difficulties, and irregular sleeping patterns affect their entire living and overall health. If you suffer from sleeping issues as well, if you fail to get at least 7...

Lidocaine Injection May Help Treat Fibromyalgia 0

Lidocaine Injection May Help Treat Fibromyalgia

The pain of fibromyalgia might be eased with injections of the painkiller lidocaine, a new study suggests. People with fibromyalgia complain of chronic pain throughout their body as well as increased sensitivity to pain. Doctors often have trouble treating this pain...

Five Pharmaceutical Drugs That Immediately Destroy Your Health 0

Five Pharmaceutical Drugs That Immediately Destroy Your Health

Sometimes prescription drugs are warranted in acute conditions and can save lives. But more often than not, prescription drugs for chronic health conditions can actually deteriorate your health in the long run, and many...

10 best cannabis topicals for people with fibromyalgia 0

10 best cannabis topicals for people with fibromyalgia

Cannabis topicals are providing significant relief to Fibromyalgia patients across the continent. Cannabis topicals can be used to treat Fibromyalgia pain, like tender points and muscle stiffness, but how? Fibromyalgia affects approximately five million Americans,...


Can Topical Magnesium Help With Your Fibromyalgia Symptoms?

A recent clinical study looked at the effects of topical magnesium on forty female patients who had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. We’ve covered a lot of topics on this website about fibromyalgia, both the...