Category: Fibromyalgia Medication

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6 Tips for Coping With ‘Fibromyalgia Fog’

Managing Fibromyalgia’s Effects on the Brain Doctors often focus more on the physical symptoms of fibromyalgia, such as pain, fatigue, and stiffness. However, many people with the condition also have trouble focusing, concentrating, or...

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The Truth About Fibromyalgia Tender Points

The phrase “tender points” isn’t something you hear every day. But if you have fibromyalgia, you may be familiar with those words. In fact, your doctor may have used tender points to diagnose you....

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Homeopathic Remedies for Muscle Adhesions

At a recent appointment with my naturopath,  to the wonderfully named Dr. Love, the topic of recurrent muscle pain flares came up. Anti-inflammatory interventions and nervous system calming remedies had not broken the cycle... 0

My Experience in the Gupta Fibromyalgia Recovery Program

Causes of FM/CFS: Scientific Basis for the Gupta Program The premise of the Gupta program is that fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) are caused by abnormalities in the functioning of brain structures... 0

Learning how to manage one day at a time

Part I: From Onset to Diagnosis For Fibromyalgia Awareness Month, I wanted to share my illness journey here on the blog. My story starts eight years ago. It wasn’t a climactic beginning. It was just...